Wednesday, November 4, 2009


What a treat Halloween was even though Alex was a little under the weather. We had plans to go trick or treating to a few houses new by, then to go hang out with friends and their little ones. Unfortunately Alex came down with a bad cold so we stayed home and handed out candy and dressed Alex in his costume. He loved to see all the children come to the door in their costumes. He got such a kick out of it! Here are a few photos of Alex in his costume!

Here we go again....

I say I am going to be good about keeping up with this blog, and POOF, I forget all about it. It's hard to do so when you are chasing after a 1 year old. Yup that's right. A 1 year old. Last month, 10/9 Alex turned 1. So I am going to start randomly throwing a ton of pics and info at you all at once. Get prepared for a ton of things that has happened lately!
Alex Loves Leaves

Alex's 1st Birthday

This first year has been such an amazing learning experience. Rob and I have learned so much. We've learned a new type of love. We've learned so much about children. I've learned that I was put on this planet to be a Mother. I love it! I can't wait to do it again!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What's happening with Rob/Bobby whatever you want to call him?

He is still working for Cardiology Consultant of Philadelphia doing cardiac monitoring. Luckily he has moved a tad closer than he was before. Before he was working in Norristown, Pa and has since moved to Lankenau Hospital which is a bit closer. I'll put it this way, he had to go to exit 17 on the Blue Route, now he goes to exit 5. The Blue Route which is the most horrible road known to man in Pennsylvania! Tiger Junior, as I call him, did a lot of golfing this summer, He had gotten clubs last summer for his 30th birthday and put them to good use this summer. Since buying the house he has been learning a lot about how to do things around the house and renovating and getting good at handywork! We watch a lot of HGTV! Of course now that it is September the most important part of his year is coming up....FOOTBALL. Everyone who knows him knows that he lives for it. I will probably not be conversing with him or atleast if I do he will not hear half of what I'm saying until February. ;) He's doing a great job at being a dad and Alex just adores him!

What's happening with Jami?

Well, besides chasing around an 11 month old? Not too much! I'm still working as a Registered Nurse for the State of Delaware at Governor Bacon Health Care Center in Delaware City on the 7 am- 3pm shift. I'm scouting around for a new job to see what I can find. I am eager to find a job that would allow me to work 3 nights a week from 7pm-7a so I can be home with Alex. That is my main goal. That would also save us a great deal on daycare! I am so ready to have another child but until the economy gets better and I find this dream job that won't be happening! I thoroughly enjoy being a Mom and think that's why I was put on this earth. It is the most rewarding thing EVER. I thought being a nurse was going to be great that people would love me helping them....was I wrong! This child gives me all the joy I could ever need.

We've been in the house now almost 6 months and are slowly working on getting it to what we want. We did a lot of renovating this summer thanks to Mr. Obama and his tax credit! I'll post some pics in another post. Other than that, I just chase after my ever so fast infant and that's about it with me!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's been too long...

I've been a horrible blogger. Almost 2 months since my last blog. So much has happened. I guess Alex keeps me so busy I havebn't been keeping this up to date so PLEASE forgive me. I will say I am pretty good about posting photos on facebook. It is much easier to throw some photos on there than it is on here. So sit back, grab some popcorn and get ready for blogging madness!

Thursday, July 9, 2009



Sesame Place

We went to Sesame Place July 2nd. I knew Alex wasn't going to be able to do much, but I knew that he would enjoy looking at everything. He loves watching people (can't imagine where he gets that from!) We went with Rob's parents, Julie, Jamie and Aidan. Alex did go on the merry-go-round and enjoyed every minute of it. This not being a surprise, since he has always liked movement since he was born. I think that I will take him back up there when he is around 3-4 years old. Here are some photos from the day: